AnalyzeRobocopyLog.vbs [1] è uno script WSH che analizza e riassume in pochi secondi i lunghissimi log generati da robocopy [2] riportando e mettendo in evidenza gli errori riscontrati e le altre informazioni utili al controllo della corretta esecuzione del processo di backup.
Come input è necessario fornire il percorso completo della cartella contente i file di log da sottoporre ad analisi.
Lo script va eseguito per mezzo del prompt dei comandi utilizzando il motore WSH “cscript.exe”, la sintassi è la seguente:
cscript.exe AnalyzeRobocopyLog.vbs "cartella_sorgente"
cscript.exe AnalyzeRobocopyLog.vbs "c:\logs"
Per reindirizzarne l'output in un file di testo è sufficiente eseguirlo in questo modo:
cscript.exe AnalyzeRobocopyLog.vbs "c:\logs" > output.txt
' ***************************************************************************************
' ***
' *** Scriptname: AnalyzeRobocopyLog.vbs
' ***
' *** Purpose: Scans robocopy log files for summaries and errors. Generates consolidated list
' *** and prints to screen. Screen output can be redirected to a file if necessary.
' ***
' *** Requirements: Log files have to be in a single folder.
' ***
' *** Usage: Run the following command for usage: "cscript AnalyzeRobocopyLog.vbs /?"
' ***
' *** Author: Dirk Pelzer
' ***
' *** Version: 2.0
' ***
' *** History: 23.09.04 (dp) Initial version (1.0)
' *** 06.10.04 (dp) Added code to read arguments from the command line (2.0)
' ***
' *** (c) 2004 Dirk Pelzer. All rights reserved. Use at your own risk.
' ***
' ***************************************************************************************
Option Explicit
' Variables
Dim intRet
Dim aryFileList
Dim strFolder
Dim strReadBuffer
Dim aryReadBuffer
Dim strFilename
Dim i, j
Dim strSummary
Dim oArgs
' Constants
' Indicate script start
wscript.echo "***************************"
wscript.echo "* Anylyzing Robocopy logs *"
wscript.echo "***************************"
' Read args from command line
Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments
If oArgs.Count = 0 Then
wscript.echo "No source folder specified. Using default " & DEFAULTSOURCEDIR & "." & vbCRLF
strFolder = oArgs(0)
End If
Set oArgs = Nothing
' Figure out if user requested help
Select case uCase(strFolder)
Case "?" Usage
Case "/?" Usage
Case "HELP" Usage
Case "-?" Usage
Case "H" Usage
End Select
' Retrieve list of files from a given folder
intRet = EnumerateFiles(strFolder, aryFileList)
Select Case intRet
Case 1
wscript.echo "Error: Specified folder does not exist."
wscript.echo " Please verify that " & strFolder & " really exists" & vbCRLF & _
" and you have sufficient permissions." & vbCRLF
wscript.echo "Script aborted."
Case 2
wscript.echo "Error: The specified folder was empty."
wscript.echo " Please verify that " & strFolder & " contains" & vbCRLF & _
" robocopy logs and you have sufficient permissions." & vbCRLF
wscript.echo "Script aborted."
End Select
' Loop through log files and parse for keywords
strSummary = ""
For i = 0 to uBound(aryFileList)
strFileName = strFolder & "\" & aryFileList(i)
'wscript.echo "strFileName = " & strFileName
intRet = ReadFile(strFileName, strReadBuffer)
'wscript.echo strReadBuffer
strSummary = strSummary & vbCRLF
strSummary = strSummary & " --- START ---" & vbCRLF
strSummary = strSummary & DOUBLESPACE & aryFileList(i) & vbCRLF
If intRet = 0 Then
'Valid buffer. Split up individual lines
aryReadBuffer = split(strReadBuffer, vbCRLF)
For j = 0 to ubound(aryReadBuffer)
' Parse for known keywords
If instr(aryReadBuffer(j), "Started :") > 0 Then strSummary = strSummary & aryReadBuffer(j) & vbCRLF
If instr(aryReadBuffer(j), "Source :") > 0 Then strSummary = strSummary & aryReadBuffer(j) & vbCRLF
If instr(aryReadBuffer(j), "Dest :") > 0 Then strSummary = strSummary & aryReadBuffer(j) & vbCRLF
If instr(aryReadBuffer(j), "Options :") > 0 Then strSummary = strSummary & aryReadBuffer(j) & vbCRLF
If instr(aryReadBuffer(j), "Total Copied Skipped") > 0 Then strSummary = strSummary & aryReadBuffer(j) & vbCRLF
If instr(aryReadBuffer(j), "Dirs :") > 0 Then strSummary = strSummary & aryReadBuffer(j) & vbCRLF
If instr(aryReadBuffer(j), "Files :") > 0 Then strSummary = strSummary & aryReadBuffer(j) & vbCRLF
If instr(aryReadBuffer(j), "Bytes :") > 0 Then strSummary = strSummary & aryReadBuffer(j) & vbCRLF
If instr(aryReadBuffer(j), "Times :") > 0 Then strSummary = strSummary & aryReadBuffer(j) & vbCRLF
If instr(aryReadBuffer(j), "Ended :") > 0 Then strSummary = strSummary & aryReadBuffer(j) & vbCRLF
If instr(aryReadBuffer(j), "Speed :") > 0 Then strSummary = strSummary & aryReadBuffer(j) & vbCRLF
If instr(aryReadBuffer(j), " ERROR ") > 0 Then strSummary = strSummary & aryReadBuffer(j) & vbCRLF
End If
strSummary = strSummary & " --- END ---" & vbCRLF
strSummary = strSummary & vbCRLF
wscript.echo " RESULT"
wscript.echo "===================="
wscript.echo strSummary
wscript.echo "Script completed successfully"
' ReadFile
Function ReadFile(strFileName, strReadBuffer)
' Returns the content of a specified file in strReadBuffer
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2
Dim fso, f
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If NOT (fso.FileExists(strFileName)) Then
ReadFile = 1 'Specified file does nor exist
Set fso = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(strFileName, ForReading)
strReadBuffer = f.ReadAll
if len(strReadBuffer)> 0 Then
ReadFile = 0 'File read successfully
ReadFile = 2 'File was empty
End if
Set f = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
End Function
' EnumerateFiles
Function EnumerateFiles(strFolder, aryFileList)
' Returns an array of all files in a specified folder
' Return code = 0: success
' Return code = 1: specified folder does not exist
' Return code = 2: no files found
Dim strFileList
Dim fso, f, f1, fc, s
strFileList = ""
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If NOT (fso.FolderExists(strFolder)) Then
EnumerateFiles = 1 'Specified folder does not exist
Set fso = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
Set f = fso.GetFolder(strFolder)
Set fc = f.Files
For Each f1 in fc
strFileList = strFileList & & ";"
'wscript.echo "strFileList = " & strFileList
If right (strFileList, 1) = ";" Then strFileList = left(strFileList, len(strFileList)-1)
aryFileList = split (strFileList, ";")
If uBound(aryFileList) >= 0 then
EnumerateFiles = 0 'Files found
EnumerateFiles = 2 'No files found
End If
Set fc = nothing
Set f = nothing
Set fso = nothing
End Function
' Usage
Sub Usage
wscript.echo "Usage:"
wscript.echo "~~~~~~" & vbCRLF
wscript.echo "cscript " & WScript.ScriptName & " [sourcepath]" & vbCRLF
wscript.echo " where [sourcepath] is the full path to the log files to be analyzed." & vbCRLF
wscript.echo "If no [sourcepath] is specified, the default path " & DEFAULTSOURCEDIR & " is used." & vbCRLF
wscript.echo "Example: cscript " & WScript.ScriptName & " c:\Temp"
wscript.quit (0)
End Sub
AnalyzeRobocopyLog.vbs [1] (copia locale) [3]